Pistachio nut Harvest Time Again

Well harvest is nearly upon us so we are busy getting ready (OMG it comes around very quickly). It is always difficult to gauge when we might start, we are usually going by 24th February, but this year maybe earlier because of the hot weather we have been experiencing.

We are praying for rain hopefully within the next couple of weeks. The trees are hanging in there, some nuts were lost due to the late frost, and now with this hot weather, there really wasn’t much sub-soil moisture to give the nuts a great start. Well that is farming.

This will be the second year that we will not be doing any fresh nuts straight into Flemington Markets for two reasons the fresh market price has not changed since we began sending which was approximately 18 years ago and second with the high demand for our flavored nuts we need all the nuts to be sold dried.

Here is a little bit of trivia did you know that Pistachio Nuts are cousins of the mango see the photo they even look like little mangos.

The shed is being tidied and cleaned as we speak. The orchard is being prepared. One more batch of Jam and Relish to be done.

We will be ready!


Pistachio Harvest


Pistachio Health Benefits